

This book is dedicated to God almighty, who has been my source and confidence and for his unfathomable mystery of knowledge, wisdom, and understanding about life.

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THE CONFUSED WORLD by Obasemo Bosede Ruth





Authored And Written By OBASEMO BOSEDE RUTH


Copyrights 2020 By Obasemo Bosede Ruth

All Rights Reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without permission from the Author, except by a reviewer who may quote brief passages in reviews.



This book is dedicated to God almighty; my source and confidence. For his unfathomable mystery of knowledge, understanding and wisdom about life.



I appreciate God almighty for making this book a reality.

I appreciate my parent Pastor Mr & Mrs Obasemo, the founder and general overseer of Pillar of Truth Gospel ministries; for their love, attention, support, and prayer. To my siblings Obasemo Sunday, Obasemo Dorcas, and Obasemo Temitope for their love, attention, and prayer. May the good Lord continue to bless, uphold, and make us always a good family at all times.

I also everyone who wishes to see the best of me and themselves.



The confused world is a world of “I don’t know!”

Great things are unimaginable for them! A world of people that have only one life basic essential. This made it impossible for them to achieve the great things they desire in life.

Have you ever asked yourself a particular question in life and the only answer you could get is “I don’t know”? If you don’t know, what can you do about it? Nothing!

Have you ever said that “I want to succeed in life, but how?” And the only answer you could get is “I don’t know.” If you don’t know how to succeed in life, how can you become a success in life?

“I don’t know” is the very reason many people can’t ever get out of confusion.

“I don’t know” makes people wander aimlessly.

“I don’t know” makes people's life a shadow.

“I don’t know” makes people live in hopelessness.

“I don’t know” brings uncertainties.

Without the three basic life essentials, people get stalked in an unpleasant state in life which is “The Confused World.”

Everyone who wants to get out of the confusing world must have the three basic life essentials to know:

What it is?

How to do it?

Where to present it?

To get out of The Confused World to achieve the great things they desire. In this book, you will have the 3 basic life essentials that you need to get out of that confusing world that makes life unpleasant to you!



I have been hearing many people chanting “I don’t know” everywhere, whenever they get into trouble. I have been wandering to know what is this “I don’t know” that people will always say whenever they are asked why, how, and what gets them into trouble? Until my God almighty let me realize, that “I don’t know” is the main reason that brings “Confusion.”

I wrote this book to let you know that, if a man ever lacks the three basic essentials of life, which are knowledge, understanding and wisdom, everything he sees becomes “I don’t know”, then he gets stalked in an unpleasant state in life: The Confused Word.



The confused world is a world of “I don’t know,” which is filled with people that have only knowledge. They don’t have the remaining basic life essentials which are understanding and wisdom. Without these three basic life essentials, no man can ever know:


what it is?

How to do it?

Where to present it?

Nor will he be able to achieve the great things he desires, neither will he be able to find greatness nor succeed in whatever he does. Until he has the three basic life essentials incomplete, then he can talk about success.



Chapter 1: The Confused world

The Confused World is a world of “I don’t know,” filled with people that have only knowledge. They lack the concluding part of the three basic life essentials which are understanding and wisdom. This is why this world is filled with impossibilities and uncertainties. They are only making use of knowledge in whatever they do, which will result in using only power and might. This gets them exhausted in no time and they arrive at nowhere.


What is knowledge? knowledge is physical education about a particular thing.

What is Understanding? Understanding is what you know about the physical education you have.

What is wisdom? wisdom is another new thing you found about physical education, to do something great beyond what you were taught.


The confused people only have knowledge that is why they don’t know what is right, they are always maintaining the status quo, even though it is killing them. They think life offers just a choice to succeed. Whereas at the beginning of any challenge life offers, their first and last comment in their first trial is:

“I can’t do it!”

“I don’t think this will work out for me!”

“Let’s continue doing it the way they have been doing it.”

“I have been doing these things but am not getting my desire result!”

“I have not found any reason to move on; therefore I will stop here!”


When a person has found these kinds of reasons, how do you think he will succeed in life?

People in the confusing world always believe that there is nothing new; that is why their choice of greatness in life is always one. Whereas: life offers more than enough choices of greatness. This is why this type of world is impossible; people there are always chanting “life is unfair!” They want to succeed but they have gotten many reasons that stopped them from having the needed understanding and wisdom of whatever they need to achieve success in life.

“When there is no understanding and wisdom in a man’s life; confusion begins.”


What is the confusion?

Confusion is a lack of understanding.

Lack of understanding is “I don’t know” the major source of confusion.

Many people have a problem but don’t how to solve their problems, many people want to do some things that can liberate them from poverty but they don’t how? Everyone wants to succeed in life but countless people don’t know how? If a person does not know how, what can he do about it? Nothing!


Everyone who lives in this world has been taught, even infant babies, that when their mother carries them they already know where to find their food.

Don’t think that it is only the persons that go to university or college are the only people that have an education. Because school is a place of knowledge, that gives you physical education about a particular thing that humanity uses. Things you were taught about are education (knowledge) to you because you can see it physically or you even heard about it.

Everyone has been to school but not everyone has an understanding and wisdom of what they were taught. That is why they can’t go beyond the limit. “If a man is not doing something beyond the limit, he can’t be named a success.” Every scholar has knowledge but only a few have the understanding and wisdom to go beyond the limit. This is why countless scholars who don’t have understanding and wisdom can’t excel in life; they become dejected when they can’t find a job and the government becomes their source of the problem. Because “ having only the knowledge makes you remain in the range of every other people.”


Without understanding there is no how you can have wisdom. If a man only has the knowledge but lacks understanding and wisdom, he can’t ever go from an ordinary level to an extraordinary level. That is why he lives in a confusing world.

To know more about “school” read my book SCHOOL IS A MOVIE WORLD.


When a man lacks wisdom and understanding he becomes:

1. A Confused stranger: all ways lead to his destination, yet no one can lead to his desired destination. Today he is travelling to that city to succeed; tomorrow he is travelling to another city since he is yet to have the three basic life essentials. Today, if he is into this business, tomorrow he is into another one because he is not getting his desired result. His kind of movement is like a chameleon, always changing from one place to another because “he doesn’t know.”



2. What can you do? A confused person will say nothing! Anything I can find. If you don’t know what you must do, and you just do anything you find; it brings nothing result.

Without the right answer to these life questions, there is no how a person can get out of “the confused world” or find the greatness that makes him succeed.