Shyla Mozden

He Comes (Zalgo)

By the best author: creepypasta lover

BookRix GmbH & Co. KG
81371 Munich

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Forgive the length of this message, this is the first and possibly the last time I’ll have access to a computer so I thought I’d better write this all down while I can and get it to those who should know. I’m leaving town; I don’t know where I’m going, I’m just getting as far away as possible.


Okay so as some of you may know, I took out a loan and opened my auto shop a little over a year ago. The business has been going decently well, I can’t complain, and I’ve always been grateful to all of my customers who would come to me exclusively when God knows there are so many already established places in town. I’ve been doing well enough that I was able to hire my buddy Neil a few months ago, and he’s been working hard and helping out well, as I always knew he would.